Monday, June 15, 2009

POTD ~ Boys and Toys

Hubby brought home a remote car, not sure if it was really for the boys or him....

and a few macros from yesterday I shared in Macro Monday too:


pat said...

I love the shot of your DH and the boys--boys are boys no matter their size! I am so glad, too, that you posted your macros. The one of the dandelion with the waterdrops and refractions is awesome.

Anonymous said...

That bug shot is freaky! Nice father/son photo, too!

Angela2932 said...

Very impressive macros. And such a nice father/son shot! Yep. . . toys. But they just keep getting more and more expensive!

Jess said...

Oh yeah... definitely ALL BOY! Wonderful daddy/son shot! And I LOVE your macros... :)

Margaret said...

Fun shot of your hubby and the boys. They will have lots of fun together! And your macros are great!